понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dewey cheatem

I am thoroughly enjoying this shit show weekend.

Friday: Class, showed Mitch studio. Corey brought us a shitty corkscrew that broke in the cork, so I had to punch the cork in...again. Wine and beer in Maryapos;s room, pot outside Bursley, then Pancheroapos;s. Perfect
Saturday: Laundry, then "Burn After Reading" and dinner at the Red Hawk with Lauren and Mama Strahs. Then party in Ally Stockapos;s apartment.
Sunday: RENT at the Mendelssohn, Noodles with Corey and Carolyn, then Biggby Coffee and some vintage/Urban shopping. Sober night of movie watching: "Anchorman" and "Notes on a Scandal." Then to Darrenapos;s house for a Madmen cast party. Uhhh, about 7 shots in literally about 5 minutes. Not good, I have a headache. A sober Porscha drove me home while an intoxicated Louis taught her how to drive his stick. And no, thatapos;s not what she said.

Good weekend so far. Letapos;s keep it up

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

diablo 2 baalbots

I really hope you take my advice.
Although its all up to you.
I really believe you two are great for one another,
and I truly apologize I ever got in the way,
because I really did and it was a little bit
ago that i actually realized so.
I swear I didnapos;t even realize it at the time.
Good luck� to the both of you :]
And remember, whatever desicion you make,
make it because itapos;s whatapos;s gonna make� you happy.

I feel super lonely to be honest.
My bestfriendapos;s� happy in her relationship
and youapos;re inlove and happy in your relationship
and blah blah love love love blah blah

I canapos;t wait to fall in love :)
I mean how awesome must it feel?
Will the butterflies be heavier?
Will the goosebumps hurt harder?
Will the kisses be more passionate?
Will your heart�race faster�?
I donapos;t know but I�CANT�WAIT�TO�FIND�OUT. <3

On the OTHERHAND, i donapos;t even wanna find out.
Lol, im soo weird, i want one thing but i donapos;t.
I think loveapos;s overrated and disgusting and super
yucky and with love, i have a 5 year olds mentality.
But im indecisive and i donapos;t know.

Like pepe said, "someone will fall right from the sky"
and to be honest, heapos;s never failed me.

But Iapos;ll be walking around my my arms stretched out
just incase he happens to fall.

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Hey there, everyone. This is Tosshi, a new player, though I know a few of you already. Iapos;m bringing with me the vocaloid Kaito. Heapos;s kind of a wuss, but a cheerful and friendly guy, so heapos;ll love interacting. He has pretty much zero combat ability, however, so heapos;s not going to be of much use to anyone when it comes to monsters or aggressive fellow residents. Iapos;m going to intro him later tonight after a nap, but in the mean time I hope youapos;ll all welcome us kindly

friend add aisu_no_uta please, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thereapos;s a crit post already up.
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Iapos;m feeling damn stupid... I thought tt exam is tmr which in fact itapos;s nt.. Itapos;s on tues n thurs. I gt so used to having exams on mon n wed tt i thought tt itapos;s going to be the same this time..�luckily i caled up my�friend to ask abt the�chapters to�study then�she tel me still gt 1 more�day to study no need to worry...then i blur la... Then ask her then she say itapos;s tues n thurs..�lucky me... Iapos;m going to study tmr then since i�finish all my notes already..i rushed out the noted today while watching tv..=))so iapos;m glad�tt i still gt another day�to study everything=))�since i still haf tmr then i go maple awhile first before i go slp cause at this v.moment i feel very very very full..=))

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

andes mate tea yerba

Tomorrow is the day. I make it sound like I am running the whole 26.2 miles. :p I am actually running 7.1...maybe 9...9 will put me over the Ambassador Bridge and back through the tunnel. Count me in for 9 (oh please running God's).

I am running for the "Running for Heart" American Heart Assoc. Relay team with Shelley, Dana, Christy Heather. It should be fun I will post pics after the race. In the meantime, if you need some good tunes to run to, here is my playlist...I think it's pretty darn awesome

1. Beatfreakz- Somebody's watching me (perfect for Halloween)

2. Shut up and let me go- The Ting Ting's

3. I won't back down- Tom Petty

4. Fame< Infamy- Fall Out Boys

5. Girls Kiss Girls- Pitsburgh Slim

6. See you again- Miley Cyrus

7. Fancy Footwork- Chromeo

8. Pocketful of Sunshine- Natasha Bedingfield

9. Paper Planes- MIA

10. Cry for You- September

11.Leavin'- Jesse McCartney

12. Hot N' Cold- Katy Perry

13. Burnin' up for your love- Madonna

14. State of love and trust- PJ

15. Rearviewmirror- PJ (best running song EVER)

16. Just because- Jane's Addiction

17. Disturbia- Rihanna

18. Live your Life- T.I. Feat. Rihanna (thanks Shelley)

19. Cookie Jar- Gym Class Heroes

20. Runnin' down a dream- Tom Petty

21. Come Undone- Duran Duran (the best song to run to on a crisp fall day or rainy Sunday...;))

22. Paris Hilton- Turn it up (don't ask)

23. We didn't start the fire- Billy Joel

24. Cowboys- Counting Crows

25.Wild Thing- Ton-Loc

26. My My My- Armand Van Helden

27. As the Rush Comes- Motorcycle (my favorite progressive song right now)

28. Stronger- Kanye

29.My Love- JT

30.Let's get loud- Jennifer Lopez

31.Touch Me- Cathy Dennis (YES, I went there lol)

32. It's the end of the world (as we know it)- REM

33. Are you gonna be my girl- Jet

34. Lose your love- The Outfield

35.I Ran- Flock of Seagals

36.Cecilia- Simon Garfunkel

37. Beatles- Twist Shout

Wish me luck

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I plan to get this checked out as soon as I can, but I want to hear your take on it. Intense colors make me ill. Not, "Oh, donapos;t use that color, itapos;s a bad color." but like, "I think Iapos;m going to be sick. That color is making me nauseous." Is that common? Intense reds and oranges do it. I havenapos;t seen if it happens with greens, blues and other, mellower colors. I never thought about it much around the last time I had my eyes checked, but I plan to have it done soon, so Iapos;ll definitely bring it up. So, yeah. Whatapos;s your take?

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Now, Iapos;m not an advocate of conspiracy theories, but I have long suspected that the noise and pace of modern life is deliberate. Someone is trying to keep us incessantly occupied, because if we stopped the endless cycle of activity for even a few moments, we would discover something amazing: the presence of God.

If you read the Bible, youapos;ll notice that God is not a big fan of noise. Thereapos;s no question that He has staged some of the noisiest events in historyndash;like the earthquake and trumpet blast that accompanied His visit to Mount Sinai (see Exodus 19:17-20)ndash;but for the most part, God is not to be found in the busyness and noise. After a particularly trying experience, the prophet Elijah met God at the same mountain. God sent a number of earth-shattering events: a strong wind, an earthquake, and a fire. But Elijah searched in vain to find His presence in any of them. Finally, God spoke to the prophet in a "still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12). In the book of Psalms, God tells us, "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10).

...If weapos;re not busy, we feel something is wrong.

...Like millions of others, I canapos;t seem to turn it off.

Itapos;s not healthy. The Bible reveals that unceasing activity was not Godapos;s original plan for the human race. He intended for us to balance our drive to accomplish with our need to rest and bask in His presence. [...] Relentless activity is an unbalanced approached to life, a fact that God made clear all the way back in Eden. "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made" (Genesis 2:1-3)

... God didnapos;t take a day off because He needed it, so there must be another reason. He was setting an example for us.

Shawn Boonstra. The Sign. Pgs. 8,9,11.

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